Thursday, January 28, 2010


Well new year, new beginnings and believe it or not my very first blog. This course Print News Reporting is providing a great deal of firsts for me and everyone around me I believe. I registered late for this class and when I did, I did not know how unique this section would. Of course Prof. Reisner I knew would provide an interesting challenge. Creating our own publication was way beyond my expectaions and is an opportunity that I believe we have all been waiting for and are all anxiously jumping at. Of course things seem to be falling into place for our class beginning with the warm welcome we received by community leaders at Jumbo's to our recent partnership with the South Florida Times. How far will this go? That question is one that will remain unanswered as this is the ulitmate work in progress. I hope this project is something that will continue with us beyond the time frame of this semester and possibly set an example of possiblities for this course in the future.Well here goes nothing, stayed tuned, I believe it will be a fun ride.