Sunday, April 4, 2010


How far do you go to get an interview??? I was sending emails before going to bed as I was finishing my last glass of wine. One of the emails I sent out was another attempt to set up an interview. Low and behold I did not expect to get an immediate response or more so the response, "Let's do it now" Obviously as real reporters we have to get accustomed to going to great lengths to getting an interview and sometimes it will take you to some strange places. But what are the boundaries? What is the appropriate etiquette to keep our professionalism and integrity in tact?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Media Law Conference

Well I attended my first conference relating to Journalism on Friday and it proved to be a worthwhile experience. I was only able to attend the second half because I scheduling conflicts, Fridays I have a group counseling session I run with juvenile prisoners at TGK. I arrived for lunch (Thank God cause I was hungry and had no time to stop) and participated in all the afternoon sessions. Defintely a worth while experience.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hey I can do this!

Well my hard work trying to search for and contact Luther Campbell aka Uncle Luke payed off tonight. I was still at work cleaning my bar when I checked my phone and saw I had an email from Luke himself. It was a very gratifying moment for me. I had spent a couple hours the previous two days trying to find as much contact information on him as well as gathering some basic information. My efforts payed off and it seems I have learned a thing or thing or two in school on finding people. So while a date and time has yet to be determined I will be interviewing Uncle Luke on his community activism in Liberty City. I won't lie until recently I was unaware that he was so active in the community and was quite intrigued when I came across his latest blog entry: Rebuild Liberty City and Overtown Instead of Tearing Down City Commissioners.
Further reading into his blog, Luke's Gospel proved to be very interesting as well. So after responding to the email I rushed to finish closing my bar so I could come home and do the prep work I need to do. As much as I may have been an Uncle Luke fan and 2 Live Crew fan, I am from an expert on Luther Campbell. I realized that to do a proper interview I would have to spend a few hours gathering a basis from which I can formulate my questions and conversation with him. So here I am on my computer and have been for the last three and half hours doing just that.

Compliment to a Young Journalist

I received a very endearing and intriging compliment while I was bartending tonight. My barback was complimenting what a hard worker I was, stating that I was the only bartender that he worked with that they didn't ask things of him. I replied that he did everything that I needed him to do for me (Indeed he is the best barback there) and that if I needed anthing I was not afraid to ask. He then began to ask me if I went to school and that began an array of questions from major to internships and all sorts of other bits. He finally apologized for asking me so many questions, which amused me since as I told him questins never bothered me. In fact I have been known among family, friends and even boyfriends to always be full of questions. Its the Journalist in me I suppose. Its been there as far back as I can remember. Even as a little girl my family says I ws full of questions and always being nosey. However as I shared with him asking so many questions has been a turn off at times in my love life for some guys I have dated consider it a turn off. Don't get me wrong I don't put any pottential boyfriends through an interogation or anything, but certain conversations just get be fired and there have been a time or two I heard "Why so many questions?" "Its the journalist in me" has been my reply. A friend suggested I need to learn how to seperate the two. I have yet to figuire out if and how that is possible. This prompted of course a related and interesting conversation on relationships and communication between me and my co-worker tonight. In the end however he explained why he was asking me so many questions. He said he didn't ask so many questins to just anybody there but that I seemed like an interesting person. Someting about the way I carried myself he said showed I had more integrity than anyone else there. His comments which I thanked him for immediately left me thinking. Of course it is an amazing feeling when someone you do not know that well says things like this about you by mere observation at work. But it left me thinking for a few moments and then again on the car ride home. Other parts of our converstaion led him to conclude that certain triat about me would make an excellent journalist. In the end it was nice to be admired for the very qualities that not only have gotten me ridicule in the past but also are the basis for the kind of journalist I hope to become. This conversation certainly brightened my day. It is not suprising to me then it was followed by good news , all those good energies I suppose.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Jessica De Leon...Published Newspaper Woman

Well Friday was a milestone for me, a very small one yet significant in the career I hope to build. Through Liberty City Link in the South Florida Times my name appeared on a byline of a newspaper outside of school. I was very excited. Family and friends very proud. To some it may seem insignificant, but to anyone who knows better knows its a step in the right direction. I've had many family members and friends run out to buy the paper or jump online just so they could see my byline and then proceed to read my work. It is very gratifying when people take an active interest in your work like that. No one just glanced at it but rather they took the time to read each word. They made comments and I conversations, received emails and text message not only congratulating me but commenting on the material itself. I received comments and question about the different pieces. Until recently I did not really realize how much work goes into not only establishing a new publication ( as small as it may be) but the amount of reporting necessary for the smallest of pieces that in the end is condensed so small.
As a final not I would like to thank South Florida Times and more importantly our fearless leader and professor Neil Reisner for giving myself and all of us this amazing opportunity to bring this project to life.

NFL Center supports young people

Film examines happier side of inner city

The News Never Sleeps

Well this concludes Spring Break which certainly was not a break. Yet Liberty City Link did not go on break, well not all of all of us at least. A great lesson learned is that the paper always has to go out no matter what is going on in the world around you. While one of us may be on break does not mean are whole staff can be. Certainly break or not does not mean we disconnect. It's a career we have chosen and part of it is that you can't always completely disconnect from the world. While I'm sure journalists do take vacations, I'm sure most, at least the good ones, don't go long without watching the news and checking email. Liberty City Link is still in its early stages and how far it will go certainly depends on its creators and how much hard work is put in. Of course there is not I in team. We have been given an amazing opportunity that other FIU Journalism majors have not been given. Now we have to own up to it. Needlesss to say I was a little upset when professor/editor tried numerous times to contact as a whole and I saw only a few of us, the same ones, continue to respond. The silence was embarrassing for a group that seemed so enthused. I'm not to say that I am the most available person for I too have a very full schedule, that includes this project, school, full time job, internship and a social life, but I try. Why because I realize the opportunity that has been given. Very few classes offer you the chance to get real experience and clips and accredation that you can put on a resumee or in a portfolio. For someone who has been in school for a long time due to personal reasons, this class has offerred me a way not only to learn the skills I need to finally graduate but also to get the experiece I need to compete in this very competeive field we are going into. It istime to get out of the student frame of mind if a journalism degree is going to mean anything. Trust me I have been working on getting mine along with a second degree for a few years now. One thing being the eternal student has taught me is to appreciate those courses and professor that actually teach you the tools that will help you make it where you want to, so you can have a career you love not just a job that pays the bills. This week's lesson to me certainly has been the news never sleeps. Had it not been for a handful of us Liberty City Link staff members that bothered responded to emails and working on what they could and a very persistent and caring professor, Liberty City Link would have crashed and burned in only its second week. Hopefully the rest of the staff will step up to the plate so that next's week need not be so dramatic and disappointing.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Liberty City Link at the presses!!!

At this very moment the Liberty City Link in the South Florida Times is at the printers. In a matter of hours it will circulate around town and our project will make its debut. Our hard work will finally be actualize. Some of us will see our name in print. Most importantly perhaps is the Liberty City will finally a publication focusing on their community with more than just the latest shooting. Two months ago at the beginning of the semester I never envisioned that we would be here. I feel privileged and lucky. Of the rest of the staff and our leader Neil Reisner, I am very proud of what we have created and look forward to see how far we can take it.

Liberty City is like Paris to Me Screening

Well interesting experience today. Myself, Latoya, Stephanie and Estrella attended the screening of "Liberty City is like Paris to me" at the Miami Film Festival. I do have to say I worked really hard to try and organize the event for all to attend and was disappointed on the turnout. I understand that we all can't be anywhere but about half of our staff was did not bother to respond no that they were not attending...Moving along...The overall turnout at the theater was pretty descent. However since it was a short film it was also screened along with another film, "Spam Allstars: Fuacata! Hard to tell which of the two drew the bigger crowd. Both directors were there and were available not only before but after the film. Bruce Weber the director of "Liberty City is Like Paris to me" did seem to have more followers waiting for a moment of his time. We were among those. And finally just before he walked out to jump into his limo that awaiting him in front of the Tower Theater on Calle Ocho in the heart of Little Havana, Estrella and I got a moment of his time. It was a brief encounter, but for me painted a better picture of the envision he had with the creation of the short film. It still has me a bit perplexed. I won't give many more details yet, don't want to spoil our piece to be published. But reactions from our guests from Liberty City varied I believe and I certainly have my own. In fact I am still molling over what I really think about it. Perhaps my initial reaction wasn't a hundred percent fair. However we are all entitled to our opinion, and for me it did not paint a clear picture of what life in Liberty City is like. I do appreciate the film in its attempt to show the beauty in the culture that does exists among this community and for tempting others not to fear Liberty City.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Well definitely a good issue addressed in class was: how do you write an article together? Obviously it has been done before and quite successfully. Woodward and Bernstein, need I say more. I can only aspire to be as good and have such an impact with my reporting some day. But let us go back to baby steps here. It is quite difficult when you are still finding your own way as a reporter to then have to find a harmony with another person that can translate onto paper in telling a story together. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Well now we are getting down to the nitty, gritty part of Journalism, every writers least favorite part of the writing and publishing process: EDITING!! Indeed even as a high-schooler I learned the wrath of the bleeding red pen. Our editor was so notorious for bleeding over copy that she was forced to switch to purple or green pens, in hopes she won't terrify students as much. But well we aren't in high school anymore and we are not just studetns anymore. We are REPORTERS, lets leave the student behind in the classroom. Scary for some, exciting I think. I learned a long time ago you have to have tough hide if you want to be a writer of any kind. There is always room for improvememt and well god knows I have a lot to learn. There are those times when you feel very studpid though watching your work being torn to shredds or re-written. Watching someone else in the hot seat, while makes you glad its not you, can't help but feel their pain. A lot of errors become obvious when public scrunity is involved. Well back to work on my re-write for my seat in heat is coming.

Friday, February 5, 2010

First trip to the NFL YET Center...Me and Latoya, my partner in crime for this assignment, were yet able to find the director of the center. Busy man the week of the Super Bowl, understandable but very frustrating. We refused to leave without information and did a little exploring around and before long found several staff members of various parts of the center willing to talk to us and tell us about what they do....One big thing I discovered, the usefulness of business cards or something to not only allow people who are willing and wanting to assist to contact you but give you a little creditability so you don't look like two girls just wandering around a community center. But I think we made it work, once we explained to people are motives for the most part they were willing to share. We actually had the supervisor of the computer lab quite excited about our project and providing helping information about the community around but I think will be an excellent source for future events and happenings.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Well new year, new beginnings and believe it or not my very first blog. This course Print News Reporting is providing a great deal of firsts for me and everyone around me I believe. I registered late for this class and when I did, I did not know how unique this section would. Of course Prof. Reisner I knew would provide an interesting challenge. Creating our own publication was way beyond my expectaions and is an opportunity that I believe we have all been waiting for and are all anxiously jumping at. Of course things seem to be falling into place for our class beginning with the warm welcome we received by community leaders at Jumbo's to our recent partnership with the South Florida Times. How far will this go? That question is one that will remain unanswered as this is the ulitmate work in progress. I hope this project is something that will continue with us beyond the time frame of this semester and possibly set an example of possiblities for this course in the future.Well here goes nothing, stayed tuned, I believe it will be a fun ride.